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3 fun things to do with kids at christmas

by Amy Lynch


Here are our top ways to keep the kids ( and you!) entertained over the holidays...

  1.  Build A Den:  There really is no better way to watch Christmas movies than in your very own Bandits Only Den! A few bed sheets, some fairy lights and a NO ADULTS sign could keep them entertained for hours. Even better take it outside for a great way to enjoy some Al Fresco dining! 
Source: Coochicoos

2. Cardboard creativity: All that packaging that is kicking around over the holidays.. the BEST creativity outlet.. think cardboard cities, mazes, even a cardboard star cave for tiny bandits!!! Give them a box and watch what they manage to create from it!

Source: Our World of Us

3. Sand Sculpture challenge: Take the kids to the beach and run a competition to build the BEST sand sculpture. They can use shells, seaweed... the best one wins the place everyone heads to for lunch!

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Images Sourced from: Coochioos and Pinterest